Transfer your laser-printed images onto the smooth surfaces of natural wood, painted surfaces, paper, textiles, silk, EVA foam sheets with Pentart's Express Transfer Solution!
The laser prints can be coloured or black & white. It is easy to use and works very quickly:
First, place your laser-printed image face-down onto your surface. Using a cotton bud, dip in the Express Transfer Solution and soak the back of the paper. Section by section, soak and rub the paper with a popsicle stick. Peel the paper off and you'll see your transferred image on the surface. Protect with a water-based clear coat.
On textiles, repeat the soak and rub process. Iron the back of the paper for 15-20 seconds. Peel the paper off, then iron the transferred image with (baking paper in between) for approx half a minute to set it.