UP TO 30% DISCOUNT! Dixie Belle Top Coats
1 product
Dixie Belle Clear Coat is water-resistant and can be cleaned using a non-abrasive cleaner after only 7 days!
- Available in Flat, Satin, and Gloss sheens.
- Allow your last coat of paint to dry (depending on the weather/humidity) about an hour.
- Simply brush a very thin, even layer of clear coat.
- For an extra layer of protection, simply add another coat of our clear coat in an hour (you don't have to wax Dixie Belle).
- Watch this video on how to apply the Clear Coats.
- Watch this video to see the different sheens side by side!
Dixie Belle Gator Hide Top Coat is water-repellent
- Allow your finished piece to completely dry.
- Simply brush on a very thin layer of Gator Hide. Let it dry and then apply another very thin layer. Let it dry and apply one more very thin layer. It will take 3 very thin layers to get the water repellent finish.
- We like to use our DBP Synthetic Brushes with Gator Hide. It works really great!
- A 48- hour dry time is recommended.
- Great for tables, cabinets and counter tops!
- Watch this video on how to apply Gator Hide.
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