Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint

Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint

6 products

    MMS Colour Chart

    Miss Mustard Seed's milk paints are organic, biodegradable and Zero VOC!

    Simply mix this milk paint powder with water- it’s that easy!

    One quart of milk paint covers approximately 70 sq feet (6.5 sq metres).  

    A Milk Paint finish is unique and can range from a solid colour to a stain, it all depends on how much water you add! It can be used on any porous surface without a primer. It will never chip or peel on porous surfaces as it soaks in and binds with the substrate.

    MIX approximately 1 part water to 1 part milk paint powder with a blender (strictly used for paint), by shaking in a lidded container, by hand with a whisk or stir stick or with a motorized paint mixer. Add tepid water to container first, then add milk paint powder slowly and mix for 3-5 minutes. Paint a test swatch to make sure desired consistency has been achieved. If the paint is translucent or runny, it is too thin.  If it the brush drags and the paint appears gritty or chunky, it is too thick.  Add more water or powder accordingly and mix again.  Once satisfied with the colour opacity and consistency, pour out paint into a wide-mouth container. Watch this video if you're new to mixing milk paint :-)

    APPLY PAINT evenly in long, smooth strokes with a brush or roller. Stir paint occasionally as pigments may settle at the bottom of the container. Drying time is approximately 30 minutes. Two to three coats may be necessary to achieve your desired coverage and possibly more when applying a light color over a dark surface. Applying this paint is so easy and forgiving, but the feel of it is very different from other paints on the market. Watch this video if you’ve never applied it before and want to know how it’s “supposed” to look.

    LIGHTLY SAND with a 220 grit sandpaper to smooth surface. Remove dust.

    TOP COAT is required to protect the paint and bring out the richness and depth of the color. We recommend MMS Hemp Oil for a natural finish or MMS Furniture Wax for a hand-rubbed appearance. A polyurethane or varnish of your choosing may also be applied.

    We use all natural pigments in our paint, so there is a possible 15% variation from one batch to the next.  Please keep this in mind when selecting the right colour for your project. Happy painting!

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